Are you ready, for real, or Nah?

PLEASE stop asking God to do something new in your life if you are not going to take Him seriously. Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Because of what He has vested inside of each one of us, each one of us has the potential to experience greatness. We feel it. It is inside of us. The feeling of greatness is what causes us to dream dreams and visualize the "If I could" scenarios we are afraid to share. By the same token, that feeling of greatness gets frustrated with normalcy. It desires to be stimulated and cultivated. There are even times when greatness will appear at the surface. It might even do it often enough to trick us into thinking that we have stepped into it. And still, we return back to our comfort zones, AKA mediocre "same thing, different day" type of life. What we refer to as "living our best life" is still on the horizon for many people, and it still resides in the mythical land of Tomorrow.
The problem with asking God for something new is that when He gives it to us, we are going to have to make some changes. To whom much is given, much is required. And to whom much more is given, much more is required. Each new experience is different and will warrant a different response from you. You must function differently. For example, if you lose 50 pounds, you must adopt a new lifestyle to maintain your weight loss. If not, you will gain the weight back and will be back right back where you started. If you receive a promotion, your job description will change. You can no longer embody the same mindset or approach you had when you were an intern or an administrative assistant. You must adjust to meet the new requirements of your new position. Not making the proper adjustments puts you at risk to lose what you ask for initially.
The good news is that you are ready. You have the potential to be successful in every situation and circumstance in your life. You have the opportunity to thrive, not just survive. Then again, every new level is going to require a new and improved version of you. Your old way of thinking, living, communicating, and "being" will HAVE TO ADJUST in order to ADAPT to your new life.
*insert whining, excuses (I mean, reasons; sorry), defensiveness, jacked up attitudes, tit-for-tat, back-and-forth, mind games, manipulation, deflection, anger, temper tantrums*
Go through the process. Stop trying to manipulate GOD like you manipulate people! By that, I mean stop thinking that you already have the answers. Stop thinking that you know exactly what your process will look like. Stop masking the fear of failure by playing it safe. Stop thinking you have been in this place before and that you know exactly what to do. Be open to the fact that you are going to have leave your "comfort zone" and get okay with feeling uncomfortable. Stop holding on to stuff and to people. Stop trying to reason with God, and get ready for WHATEVER. NO, it's NOT GOING TO FEEL GOOD! YES, it will be UNCOMFORTABLE! YESSS, you are probably going to have to give up something or somebody! You might even have to lose some stuff. (#facts) AND YES, you will have to do something you've never done to get AND KEEP something you've NEVER had!!! Yadayadayadayada, etc., etc., etc.....
God's ways are not like our ways. Only He knows what it will take to maximize the God in us. Everything we go through is for our good. It is necessary for where God wants to take us. It might be painful, but He will never put more on us than we can handle. Our current situations are temporary and has an appointed expiration date. You have to believe that His grace is sufficient, and that every need you have has already been supplied. You have what you need. You are it, and you are enough.
So, if God has given you a vision, trust Him. Be led and not driven. Do what He tells you to do, whether it makes sense or not. Stay focused on Him and faithful to Him. Expect the great. In your new season, be humble. Reflect often so that you become aware of what works and what does not. In other words, learn from your mistakes. Make adjustments when you need to. Remember that, in life, it is not about what you have, it is about what you keep. And never forget, #hautemomsrock......
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