Self-Reflection Saturday

On the last Saturday of 2017, I stumbled across this. It is a Facebook post that was posted by a good friend. With her permission, I am sharing it with you.

Posted by Akisha Woods
This was written by a beautiful friend of mine named Alana. Thought I’d share with the ladies in this group:

If I can ask anything of you Black Women, I would ask you to HEAL. Stress, anger and unprocessed emotions are killing us at an alarming rate. Manifesting into Cancers, Strokes and all sorts of other diseases and ailments. Black women are literally dying of broken hearts.

2018 needs to be the year we finally love ourselves enough to HEAL, physically, mentally and emotionally. Learn to forgive but LET GO. To speak our minds and not allow the anger to vegetate and fester. To walk away from any person, place or thing that is not growing us. We must remove anything that isn’t growing us, because if it’s not building us, it’s killing us.

We must learn to truly fall in love with ourselves, so that we can recognize what Love truly feels like and thus learn how to receive it from others without sabotaging it and pushing it away.

This is the year we learn to take our health seriously and eat better, drink less, rest more. It’s not all about joining a gym. Grab you good girlfriend and go for a walk and talk. Get up, get out, get moving. CONNECT with good people and let them love on you, you love on them too.

Let this be the year of NO MORE EXCUSES...

That class...take it! That book, write it! That business, start it! That job, apply for it!

That broken relationship, FIX IT! That fractured friendship, DEAL with it.

Because’s our TIME.

If it hurt you in 2017, it has no place in 2018 if it can’t be healed.

I LOVE US! I want all of us to win, to create the lives we deserve and to show our children that there is so much more out here in this world for them.

We can’t dare to criticize or down talk another when we haven’t at all done the work to repair ourselves. Make this year...the year of YOU!

What will you choose for you?


Thank you, Ki, for sharing this with us. Some of us need to hear this today AND tomorrow. 2018 should be our year to recreate new legacies, not only for us, but for our families. We must be the change that we want to see in the world. There really is no other way around it.

As we embark upon the new year, please remember to....

~speak kinds words to yourself. If you have to get tough with yourself, show tough love. Self compassion really is a "thing", and we all deserve it.

~repent daily, and forgive daily. Forgive others and yourself.

~show mercy. It is one of the greatest strengths one can possess.

~never forget that the loudest one in the room usually is the weakest, so proceed accordingly.

~stop complaining, and start changing. Whether the change needed is within you or your surroundings, you have the power within to do whatever is necessary for you to survive in and out of season.

~be smart with money. Enough said.

~give yourself the daily gift of being present in your own life. Celebrate the small things, as those are the building blocks that make you uniquely you.

But most of all, always remember that #hautemomsrock!!!

Happy New Year


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