What does that look like? Does that mean we are constant communication with them? No. Do we remain in unhealthy and unstable relationships? Not if God did not tell you to (which is not what is up for debate here). Do I constantly think about them and/or obsess about how I can affect their perspective (point of view) concerning me? The reality is that, sometimes, we cannot help that, as mind control takes a lot of practice and discipline. But truthfully, what others think of me is not really any of my business.
What is my business are the "matters (issues) of my heart". For the issues of my heart will be revealed by responses and/or my reactions (Psalm 23:7). For example, when you find out someone has committed an offense towards you, do you respond or do you react? Do you only speak well of those who speak well of you? Do you only pray for those who who pray for you? When you pray, are you giving or receiving? Do you live, give, and love from a place of "me"? If you do, you will find yourself practicing conditional love. If that works for you, that is fine. However, loving this way usually breeds unrealistic expectations, which potentially results in disaster in the form of unnecessary hurt, pain that could have been avoided, and displaced blame.
I was recently rejected by someone I love. However, the pain of being rejected has become overshadowed by shame. I am ashamed because of the way I responded when I felt rejected. In fact, I did not respond; I reacted. I did not respect the other person's feelings because my feelings were hurt. I was offended. Sadly, I did not "W.W.J.D." Because of my reaction, the friendship has been severed. Consequently, I am now forced to deal with pain I have inflicted because I unknowingly was coming from "a place of me", a conditional state of being.
So, let us go out of our way to "W.W.J.D", to practice unconditional love, particularly if we desire others to love us when we are not loveable (John 3:16). If we can learn to do this, we will learn to forgive, which can lead to that "peace that can surpass all our understanding" (Phillipians 4:7). Isn't that Christ does for us daily?
Be encouraged. Live peacefully, love hard, and laugh more. Godspeed, and never forget: #hautemomsrock
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