My Gifts

Mrs. Nikki Jones said it best yesterday: "What you pour into your children is what will spill out of them into the world. How they interact with others, how they move thru different rooms, is a testament of what you pour into them."

I am a TOUGH mother. My expectations are HIGH & WILL NOT waiver. I give my all as a parent and expect the same from them as daughters. I command respect. My "talks" are infinitely and beyond (according to Ky.) I teach my children to do the "hard thing", especially when you don't want to because God's reward is much greater than mine. I also allow them to make their decisions because God's wrath is also much greater than mine. I teach them that I will not be with them always so they MUST do things already as if I'm not around (they hate that, too). But I LOVE my girls so much that I gave them back to God. When I had Kourtnei, I prayed when they handed her to me & asked God in that moment to elevate my mind so that she wouldn't know that we were only 16 years apart, that SHE wouldn't suffer the consequences of my actions, and HE did that.

Mother's Day is every day for me because MY CHILDREN GIFT ME WITH THEIR OBEDIENCE. I thank them for that gift. I talk to them, reason with them, teach them to be empathic, chastise, and tell them things that aren't easy to say. But the one thing I realize now and in times past is that they never had to trust me. They chose to. They never had to submit to me. They chose to. They never have to honor me. They choose me. THAT is the BEST MOTHER'S DAY gift that will never be able to buy. 

My prayer is that my children will be God pleasers. I pray that, if and when they choose to stand alone, they realize they may get lonely but are never alone. I pray they remember God's words and His promises because I tell them I will fail them sometimes, but He won't ever fail them. I pray that they continue to build fortitude to stay in the race long so that they experience the morning glory turnaround. I pray they continue to learn to forgive so that their hearts get mended over and over again. I pray that they learn how to grow others in love, that they leave others betters for having been in their presence, and they will always win if they things how God needs to be done. Their personal relationship with God will be their superpower if they cultivate it.

I thank my children for calling me blessed by the lives they live, the women they are becoming, and the people they choose to be. I tell them all the time I see them and am pleased (most of the time.) I thank them for their obedience more than anything. I thank them for choosing to love me, their imperfect mom. And because of them, I will never forget that #hautemomsrock! 


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