Happy Birthday-versary!!!!! #2014

It's our Birthday/Anniversary!!!!!! SOOOOO much has happened in three years, and I couldn't be more #godlyproud!!!! I am so grateful for everything I'm "going thru." What a journey #hautemomsrock is on, and I am honored to be along for the ride. So again, thank you for your thoughts, your seeds, your money, your prayers, your kind words, your unkind words, your judgmental words, your stares, your conversations of and about my journey, your cheers, your patience, your friendships, your relationships, your dislikes, your likes, but most of all, your love. It's all for my good, according to Romans 8:28. Here are few Shicaisms, I'd like to share with you:

-Love yourself, and then gently and patiently teach others how to love you.
-Don't love others the way you want to be loved; love them right. Love them enough to allow them to be themselves, with or without you.
-It's not always about you. As a matter of fact, it is rarely EVER about you. We are blessed to be a blessing.
-People may never remember what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
-If there is something in your life you don't like, do something about it.
-Don't just TALK about it; BE ABOUT IT!!!
-MAN UP!!!!! Learn to the hard thing, whatever it is. It won't be easy, but it will always be worth it.
-Less is more.
-Don't go anywhere with no money.
-Stay ready so you never have to get ready.
-Use your words. Nobody can read your mind.
-Do what you love, and love what you do.
-No matter where we go or what we do, we are NOTHING WITHOUT GOD! Don't ever get that twisted.
-Nobody has to be nice to you.
-An authentic life is a peaceful life.
-We win, point, blank, period.

May the good Lord never take His hand off or away from us, and may He be pleased with our praise. And please, NEVER FORGET, #hautemomsrock


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